Grammar Articles

I.       Grammar. Fill in the articles where necessary:
Among …1 most accomplished and well-known of …2 world’s deep-sea explorers, Robert Ballard is …3 best known for his historic discovery of …4 sunken R.M.S. “Titanic”. During his long career he has conducted more than 120 deep-sea expeditions using …5 latest exploration technology, and he is a pioneer in the early use of deep-diving submarines.
Ballard has pioneered distance learning in the classrooms of America and around the world with …6 JASON Project, …7 award-winning educational programme that reaches more than 1.7 million students and 38,000 teachers annually. He has received prestigious awards from …8 Explorers Club and …9 National Geographic Society as well as …10 Lindbergh Award. In 2003, …11 President George W. Bush presented him with the National Endowment for the Humanities Medal in the Oval Office of  …12 White House.
Ballard is …13 president of …14 Institute for Exploration, scientist emeritus from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and …15 director of the newly created Institute for Archaeological Oceanography at …16 University of Rhode Island, where he is in search of lost ancient history in the depths of the sea.

1. Я бы сыграл еще одну партию в шахматы. 2. Если бы Америку открыл Колумб, она бы называлась по-другому. 3. Если бы ты занимался спортом, ты бы меньше болел. 4. Я бы хотел совершить путешествие по Северной Америке. 5. Если бы не любовь к театру, мы бы не встретились. 6. Он мог бы написать книгу о своем детстве. 7. Если бы не аэробика, то у меня не было бы такой стройной фигуры. 8. Если бы не крики за окном, я бы не проснулась. 



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