вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.


1. had already visited   2. thought  3. would go  4. to see  5. was doing   6. it had been snowing 
7. expected  8. to find  9. warming  10. saw  11. was  12. looked  13. was not   14 shall I do
15. will go  16. is  17. will put  18. will go 19. will see  20. will sing  21. hurried  22. opened
23. saw 24. sitting  25. had been sitting/had sat 26. stand  27. wondering  28. was  29. thought
30. were  31 are  32. have been sitting  33. looked  34. had stopped  35. are  36. put 37. will go out  
38. will sing  39 are   40. explained  41. showed ( was showing)  42 set 

суббота, 8 декабря 2012 г.

Describing people

Sociable - общительный
Confident -уверенный в себе
hospitable - гостеприимный
Sensible - разумный
Shrewd - проницательный,умный
modest - скромный
Sensitive - ранимый,чувствительный
Broad-minded - терпимый, либеральный
versatile - многосторонний гибкий
Considerate - деликатный тактичный  внимательный к другим
Thoughtful -a) заботливый внимательный к другим b) задумчивый
Articulate - умеющий ясно и четко выражать свои мысли
Witty- остро умный
Taciturn- сдержанный и немногословный( по натуре)
Courageous - отважный
 Daring - бесстрашный смелый
Gullible  доверчивый легковерный
Level-headed уравновешенный
Frank - искренний
Sincere  искренний
Diligent - упорный прилежный
amiable дружелюбный
exacting требовательный
Efficient - деятельный исполнительный
industrious - трудолюбивый
Resolute -решительный
Decisive решительный
Persistent - настойчивый( в достижении цели)
Observant - наблюдательный
imaginative обладающий даром воображения
Persuasive - обладающим даром убеждения
Flexible гибкий
Inquisitive любознательный
Withdrawn замкнутый
Reliable Надежный
Dependable надежный
Bashful застенчивый робкий
Down-to-earth прагматичный
Self-possessed  выдержанный
Hardy выносливый
Kindly доброжелательный
adventurous отважный предприимчивый
Conscientious добросовестный совестливый
Single-minded целеустремленный
Absent-minded рассеянный
Charismatic харизматичный
Just справедливый
Selfless самоотверженный
Self assured уверенный в себе
Decent приличный славный
Competitive стремящийся быть успешнее других
Generous - щедрый

Prejudiced предубежденный
Ruthless безжалостный жестокий
Pushy напористый( отриц)
Smug самодовольный ограниченный
Sneaky подлый трусливый
narrow-minded недалекий с пред- рассудками ограниченный
Spiteful злобный
Malicious злонамеренный злобный
Malignant зловредный
Hypocritical лицемерный
Obstinate упрямый упорный
Obnoxious противный неприятный
Cheeky наглый
Pompous. Напыщенный
Boastful хвастливый
 Jealous ревнивый завистливый
Envious ревнивый
Humble униженный смиренный
Callous Черствый толстокожий
Two-faced двуличный
Dominant авторитарный
Indifferent безразличный
Obedient послушный
Secretive скрытный
Cocky раздражающе уверенный в себе нахальный дерзкий(  разгов)
Conceited самодовольный тщеславный
Rash опрометчивый
Stubborn упрямый
Self willed своенравный
Cruel жестокий
Brutal грубый
Clumsy неловкий
greedy - жадный
Mean- подлый, скупой

четверг, 22 ноября 2012 г.

Preparing for the exam 8-1, 8-2 (2012/2013)

Topics (points to cover)

1. Family relations

- general information about your family
- about yourself and  your relations with other members of your family
- description of every member of your family in detail
- he way  you spend your free time and holidays

2. Describing appearance

- why appearance is important
- describe any of your friends
- what features of character are important and why
- what features of your character you’d like to change or have

3. Hobbies and Pastime

- why people should have a hobby
- general information about hobbies (types
- your hobby(hobbies)
- other ways of spending  free time

4. Reading books

- importance of reading
- the history of books and publishing
- the future of reading
- your preferences in reading

5. Shopping

- what is shopping
- types of shops
- other types of shopping (pluses and minuses)
- the way you and your family do the shopping

6. School life and Holidays

- about your school
- your favourite and least favourite subjects at school
- after classes activities
- the way you spend school holidays

7. Learning a foreign language

- importance of learning a foreign language
- the history of English
- English as an international language
- the way you learn a foreign language

8. The UK and London

- geographical outlook
- political outlook
- London
- places  you’d like to visit in the UK

9. The USA and Washington, DC

- geographical outlook
- political outlook
- Washington, DC
- places  you’d like to visit in the USA

10. The Russian Federation and Moscow

- geographical outlook
- political outlook
- Moscow
- places  you’d like to visit in Russia

11. Home town (Saint-Petersburg)

- geographical outlook
- Historical outlook
- places to visit and to spend a good time
- the place where you live

12. Holidays and Traditions

- holidays around the world
- British and American holidays and traditions
- Russian holidays and traditions
- Your favourite holidays and family traditions

13. Outstanding people

- what outstanding  people are
- outstanding people of Russia
- outstanding people of the UK/USA
- what features of character are necessary to become outstanding

14. Travelling

- why people travel
- ways of travelling
- how to be prepared for a trip
- your favourite way of travelling

15. Environment

- Ecological problems nowadays
- types of pollution
- Environmental organizations (Greenpeace and Wild World Fund)
- what we should do to protect our planet

среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Внеклассное чтение

Book review

1. The book  - title, author
2.Genre. What type of book is this? ( adventure, fantasy, horror ...)
3.Narrative.  Who is telling the story? How is the story told? ( first / third person narrative, diary ...)
4. Setting  When and where is the story set?
5. The plot . Retell the plot. 
6. Characters. Who are the main characters of the story? Which character do you like the most and why? Which character do you find least likeable? 
7. Theme.  What is the theme of the book? 
8. personal evaluation. Do you like/ not like the story? 

понедельник, 29 октября 2012 г.

Word Formation

Word formation

1. Form the right form of the word.
1. It was raining so ............. that we spent the evening at home (HEAVY).
2. The ............... of the new art gallery is tomorrow (OPEN).
3. You should .............. this skirt; it’s too old-fashioned like that (SHORT).
4. Everybody appreciated his ............... in a series of NGOs (INVOLVE).
5. Teenagers don’t buy CDs nowadays; they usually ............. them from the Internet (LOAD).
6. The Smiths ............... their son to get a university degree (COURAGE).
7. Madonna’s fans didn’t like her last CD. In fact, it was a complete............... (FAIL).
8. The ........... of the congress want to thanks both the ................ and the ........... (ORGANIZE/ SPEAK/ PARTICIPATE).
9. Most parents don’t understand why their children do such ............... things (FOOL).
10. Can you ............... what you’ve said, please? (REPETITION).
11. Peter is really cruel; he lacks ............... (SENSIBLE).
12. What I’ve just told you is........................ important; don’t forget it (EXTREME).
13. Passengers have to wait in the .......................... lounge (DEPART).
14. What a........................ party you’ve had! (LOVE).
15. The ......................... didn’t accept the company’s offer (EMPLOY).
16. I don’t like the new TV .......................... (PRESENT).
17. What do you think of Pete’s .................................... to work with us? (REFUSE).
18. It’s ............................... to book a table; it’s a popular restaurant (ADVISE).
19. Come here ..............................., Mrs Jones! (IMMEDIATE).
   2. Choose the right option.
1. Daniel sings opera so beauty/beautifully/ beautiful!
2. Lawyers have to defend/defence/defendable criminals.
3. Go to bed, Tom; you look really tired/ tiring/ tiredness.
4. Tony’s stamp collected/ collecting/ collection is £10 million worth.
5. The residentents/ residents/ residentials redecorated the entrance hall; so the building looks fantastically/fantastic/fantastical now.
6. Tony isn’t reliably/reliable/ realiabled at all. You’d better not trust him.
7. It’s the most incredibly/ incredible/increable message I’ve ever received.
8. There’s a huge statute/ statutory/ statue of the Queen in the park.
9. Mary has got the highest intelligent/ intelligence/ intellectual quotient in my class.
10. Mrs Jones, you have to get some stationery/
stationary/ stationeries for the office.
11. The teachers at my school fill in a diary/ daily/ dairy attend/attendence/ attendance report.
12. We have to doubled/ duplicate/ duplicated next year’s profitable/ profit/ profitably.
13. Market surveys are carried out regularly/ regular/ regularity.
14. The employee/ employer/employment decided to close down the factory.
15. Come here quick/quickly/ quicky; I need your help, Sam.
16. The students were impatient/ impatiently/ inpatient to know the exam results.
17. He’s so greed/ greedily/ greedy, he could eat sweets all day long.
18. We have to write a letter of complain/ complaining/ complaint to the manufacturer.

Word formation

WORD FORMATION: Derivatives from the word USE.

Haven't you got another dictionary? This one is absolutely  ____________________________ !
The old railway station fell into _______________________ after the new one had been built.
When we asked him to leave at once he became _____________________ .
I'm ______________ at sewing. (= very bad at it)
The computer disks got wet so they were no longer ______________________ .
The stolen car was eventually found in a _____________________ quarry.
Another word for an incorrect use or an ill-treatment is a ______________________ .
Many people think the system has outlived its _____________________ . (=is no longer useful)
Before buying a ___________________ car, it's a good idea to have it checked by a mechanic.
Her book is a ___________________ cotribution to our understanding of how people _______________ to live in the Middle Ages.
Several female students have made allegations of _________________ against him.
This ______________ was first recorded in the 1960s.
Pedestrians, like all road ____________________  must obey all traffic signs.
I think your time could be more ______________________ spent than reading comics all day.
It's _____________________ trying to persuade him to listen to you because he never does.
The RSPCA protects animals against physical ____________________ and neglect.
_________________ of the photocopier are kindly requested to report any breakdown to the secretary.
The name you use to operate a computer programme is your __________________ .
He's a second-hand cars salesman. He _____ cars.
I am constantly _______________ this expression: Instead of saying imminent danger I keep on saying eminent danger..